Profession - Locksmith repairing wheeled vehicles.
The constant increase in the number of cars on the roads, as well as the improvement and complication of structures and mechanisms require a large number of service personnel at service stations. Today, the profession of locksmith repairing wheeled vehicles is one of the most sought-after professions in repair companies and auto repair shops. Every day, everyone constantly has to come into contact with any type of motor vehicle - whether it is a personal car or public transport, in order to maintain its efficiency and proper technical condition, all of them require professional and timely care. That is why a qualified specialist in car repair and diagnostics is a highly sought-after profession today, which you can acquire at our educational institution, which is called the INTER-REGIONAL CENTER FOR VOCATIONAL TRAINING OF DISCHARGED MILITARY RESERVES.
The interregional center has a modern production and technical base and its own car service, which is equipped with modern diagnostic equipment from the BOSH company, where students receive training and practice.
The training of qualified specialists in the profession of locksmith for the repair of wheeled vehicles includes theoretical training, construction, technical operation, maintenance, repair of wheeled vehicles and professional qualification improvement. Training for each professional qualification is based on a competency-based approach and is structured according to the modular principle. The educational time of the student of education is determined by the accounting units of the time provided for the implementation of educational programs of professional (vocational and technical) education.
Accounting units of study time are:
Professional and theoretical training is carried out in classrooms, which are equipped with stands on the structure of units, mechanisms, and systems that are interconnected with the operation of the car. Also, the teachers use multimedia support, visual aids and their own innovative developments in the methodology of teaching the material and improving test tasks.
After acquiring basic theoretical knowledge, students continue professional and practical training, which is carried out in educational workshops and directly at the workplaces of enterprises.
After completing theoretical and practical training in our educational institution, students continue to master the skills of the profession in the repair and maintenance of wheeled vehicles at the enterprises of "Magnetic Technologies" LLC, FOP Usenko, FOP Vlasyuk, FOP Chaus, STO "Avtoline", LLC "COLBI" , "Yuvix" LLC, "ITALPIPE" LLC and others.
The educational (working) time of the student during the period of industrial practice is established in accordance with the legislation and the operating regime of the enterprise,
institutions, organizations.
Equipment used for practical training:
In addition to obtaining a professional education, our students take an active part in the social life of our institution:
According to the results of obtaining each professional qualification, a state or intermediate (staged) qualification attestation is conducted, which involves the assessment of acquired competences and is determined by the following parameters: "knows - does not know"; "can - can't". The current assessment is carried out in accordance with the current legal framework. Upon completion of training, each graduate must be able to independently perform all work provided for by the qualification characteristics, technological conditions and norms established in the industry.
After completing the training, each graduate is employed at a service station enterprise, where the salary already depends on the skills that the graduate acquired during the industrial practice at this enterprise. After graduation, students are successfully employed at such industrial enterprises of the city as: LLC "Magnetic Technologies", FOP Usenko, FOP Vlasyuk, FOP Chaus, STO "Avtoline", LLC "COLBI", LLC "Yuvix", LLC "ITALPIPE" and others .
Related professions:
"Locksmith-repairman", "Electrogaszvarnik", "Turner".
Advanced training and continuing education: After obtaining a diploma of a skilled worker, students can enter the junior level Bachelor's degree in "Automotive transport".
Thanks to the work of the retraining department, you can improve your qualifications.